We welcome REMC 8 area educators to our Educator Resource Center.
Our hours are from 7:30AM to 3:45PM Monday through Friday - we're closed from 11:30 to 12:30 daily.
Ellison Die Cut Room - CLOSING OCTOBER 18, 2024 - 更多的 details about how to use the dies will be forthcoming.
Multi-Color Posters 和 Banners -我们可以做! Here's the order form 和 steps for a successful poster.
纹理服务 - Need to keep that nice poster from year to year? 把它压成薄片! Here's the pricing sheet 和 how to order.
REMC 8系列
REMC 8 manages nine library collections on behalf of various uedbet官网ISD programs. Below you will find eligibility requirements, program contact information, 和 search terms for each collection. To reach the REMC 8 library, visit 位.ly / remc8media
辅助技术 Trial Library
- Eligibility: Available to Kent County educators supporting students receiving special education services
- 网站: 位.ly / kisdatlibrary
- Contact: Suzy Ruskusky at suzannaruskusky@londonstudentlettings.com
- 搜索 terms linked on ATLL site (under “Step 1”)
Early 读写能力 Collection
- Eligibility: Available to Kent County educators working with PK - 3rd grade students
- Contact: Sonali Deshp和e at sonalideshp和e@londonstudentlettings.com
- 搜索 term: earlylit
Educational Technology Collection
- Eligibility: Available to Kent County educators, some items require approval
- Contact: The EdTech team at edtech@londonstudentlettings.com
- 搜索词:教育科技
- Eligibility: Available to Kent County educators
- Contact: Kirsten Rice at kirstenrice@londonstudentlettings.com
- 搜索词:mtss
- Eligibility: Available to Kent County educators
- Contact: Wendi Vogel at wendivogel@londonstudentlettings.com
- 搜索 term: vernier
Social Emotional 学习ing Collection
- Eligibility: Available to Kent County educators
- Contact: Sarah Wood @ sarahwood@londonstudentlettings.com
- 搜索词:sel
特殊教育 评估 Collection
- Eligibility: Available to Kent County educators
- Contact: Angela Mix at angelamix@londonstudentlettings.com
- 搜索 term: seassessments
- Eligibility: Available to Kent County educators
- Contact: Du Bui at dubui@londonstudentlettings.com
- 搜索 term: kisdstem
For more information about any of these collections, or assistance booking materials, 请联系:
Erin Hoekema, erinhoekema@kentisd.请联系(616)365-2386
Dejana Puranovic, dejanapuranovic@kentisd.请联系(616)365-2232